Direct Broadcast Satellite Ground Station
Assisted in the setup of a ground station and managed the server infrastructure for data processing
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A collection of things I found interesting enough to try my hands on.
Assisted in the setup of a ground station and managed the server infrastructure for data processing
Designed an augmented reality mobile application to assist students without access to laboratories or educational models, by projecting 3D models and animations onto their textbooks and desks.
Top Bird is a fun and challenging flying game with simplified entrepreneurial language. It is a highly engaging learning tool that provides early introduction of teenagers to real life entrepreneurial eco-systems and opportunities.
Designed and built a multipurpose quadcopter with a payload of 6 Kg for our Senior Design Project .
A basic flight simulator app for virtual reality headsets.
Built a High Altitude Balloon for atmostpheric data collection.
Built prototypes of alternative user interfaces for the control of computer games.
Built a quacopter using locally acquired materials for mapping E-waste at Agbogbloshie.
Developed a system to enable motorists check for available parking spaces via a mobile app or LED Display, using data from security cameras.
Developed an interface for the explanation and demonstration of basic robotics control concepts on an NXT robot with LabVIEW.
A simple program to visualize the variation of the pressure coefficient along the surface of an infinite cylinder.
Developed software for the management and identification of RFID card holders.
Built demos to show the control of devices from an android app via bluetooth.
Built a three bladed horizontal axis wind turbine for The Energy Centre, KNUST
Designed and built a potable modular wind turbine for our First year Aerospace design Class.
Built an FM Transmitter for our High School Science and Math Club.
Developed software for solving common problems in physics and math, in addition to a test generation software for a physics teacher.